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Writer's pictureLucky Mushroom

The Gift of Giving! (Welcome to Hashemo's Haus)

When I started Hashemo's Haus almost everyone asked, "How can you give money when you don't have any?"

Isn't a non-profit organization for rich people and companies?

I have a gift; actually, I have several more than one. One of my gifts is the ability to rhyme effortlessly. Another one of my gifts is to connect with children. They seem to enjoy me and I enjoy watching them get excited about the small things we adults seem to have forgotten. I have been given a lot in life. I am blessed to have been given the opportunity to work with kids who are learning English as a second language. I grew up in Baltimore City and spent most of the summers of my childhood small town called Sumter, South Carolina. I loved my childhood and I would like to be one of the reasons that some future adult looks fondly back on his/her childhood and says, "It was so much fun learning English when I was a kid". "A little big black man with a puppet on his hand came to visit us and we sometimes watched him on what was called the internet.

I am not altruistic, I get a lot from what I do. I used to joke with my friends that I would teach the children of the world English for free if I could. I would connect them all so that they could communicate with each other. They would talk about themselves, sports, games, music, and art of all kinds. I would teach them to understand that they are all unique and there is a beauty to that. Being unique means that every other child that they meet is also inherently unique and special. Even in a society that is defined by its political ideology or religion you (child) are unlike any other. Tell me about yourself in your language and I will help you to say it in English so that you can tell others just how special you are.

Well, now I can!

Welcome to Hashemo's Haus where I have the privilege of making music, supporting the arts and artists, and attempting to make the children of the world recognize their potential while learning English. I will put all of my creative energy into the endeavor with your help.

On October 3rd we are throwing the first of what will be many fundraising events/parties. All of the funds that we raise will be used to unite the kids of the world through sports, art, and music. My dream is that little children and teens from Anchorage to Zimbabwe will work and play together. They will someday look back in absolute horror at the fact that we did not. They will know English, the world's lingua franca and they will be able not only to understand/translate it with the use of a program; they will be able to speak it with their own voices!

I don't have cash to give, I only have my gift so I will give generously. I will use my company and my talent to give whenever and wherever I can. With your support, I will spread my message of hope, peace and love to children all over the world. The children are already being exposed to hopelessness. They are being told in English that a monetary can be placed on a human life and the earth itself can be tokenized. I will not be another sleeping adult asking the only "woke" population (kids) on the planet to wake up. I will simply give them English and each other. I started this non-profit because contrary to what is preached on business forums across the internet, you can not run a company based on emotions. You are not allowed to be humane if it has a negative impact on the bottom line. All "business-minded" people on the planet know this to be true regardless of what they preach.

Here at Hashemo's Haus, I will lead unapologetically with my heart. I will do my best to make sure that you have fun giving and we will give to the children together.

Welcome once again to Hashemo's Haus. My name is Leonard Nimoy Slater and I love what I do.

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